📄️ CSS Box Model
The CSS box model is a fundamental concept that describes the rectangular boxes generated for elements in a web page.
📄️ How to center a div element
How to center a DIV element horizontally and vertically? Name a different approaches.
📄️ Difference between cookie, sessionStorage, and localStorage
Cookie, sessionStorage, and localStorage are all methods used to store data on the client side, but they have different characteristics and use cases:
📄️ Difference between px, rem, em units
There are two types of units in CSS:
📄️ Difference between reset.css and normalize.css
reset.css and normalize.css are CSS files that improve cross-browser consistency in HTML element styling, but they use different approaches.
📄️ Difference between script, script-async, script-defer
In HTML, the `` tag is used to embed a JavaScript script in your webpage.
📄️ Describe z-index, and it's stacking context
The z-index property controls the stacking order of elements on a web page.