📄️ Implement Event Emitter
Implementing an event emitter in JavaScript involves creating a class or object that can handle events. This typically includes methods for adding event listeners, emitting events, and removing event listeners. Here's a basic example to illustrate how you can implement an event emitter in JavaScript:
📄️ Implement curry function
You are required to implement a curry function that takes a function and returns a curried version of it.
📄️ Debounce decorator
Debounce decorator is a high-order function that delays the function execution by the given timer. You are required to implement it.
📄️ Deep Clone of an object
You are required to implement a deep copy of an object.
📄️ Flatten the Array
You are required to implement a custom Array.prototype.flat function. This function creates a new array with all sub-array elements concatenated into it recursively up to the specified depth.
📄️ Implement forEach
You are required to implement Array.prototype.forEach method, which calls the given callback function for each element in a given array.